Landscape photography case studies

How did you take it? Case studies of individual photos – I dissect the whole process from the initial spark of inspiration, through the choice of equipment, on to editing.

Telephoto landscape from conception to editing. South Downs.

Telephoto landscape from conception to editing

Case study: a telephoto landscape from conception to editing The image above is relatively old, taken one evening in early June of 2010. But I still quite vividly remember the outing, the decisions I made, and the hurdles I had to overcome. And I’d like to share with you what went into the creation of […]

Telephoto landscape from conception to editing Read More »

Winter on Shoreham Beach, West Sussex. Landscape Photography Slawek Staszczuk.

Seascape from idea to postproduction

Case study: a seascape from idea to postproduction Everyone has a preferred way of learning. If you like learning by example and analysis of others’ work, and you feel you can improve your seascapes, then read on. As I shall explain in detail how I created the above photo from idea to postproduction. Including all

Seascape from idea to postproduction Read More »