
Telephoto landscape from conception to editing. South Downs.

Telephoto landscape from conception to editing

Case study: a telephoto landscape from conception to editing The image above is relatively old, taken one evening in early June of 2010. But I still quite vividly remember the outing, the decisions I made, and the hurdles I had to overcome. And I’d like to share with you what went into the creation of […]

Telephoto landscape from conception to editing Read More »

Winter on Shoreham Beach, West Sussex. Landscape Photography Slawek Staszczuk.

Seascape from idea to postproduction

Case study: a seascape from idea to postproduction Everyone has a preferred way of learning. If you like learning by example and analysis of others’ work, and you feel you can improve your seascapes, then read on. As I shall explain in detail how I created the above photo from idea to postproduction. Including all

Seascape from idea to postproduction Read More »